Welcomes You

Steven Show at the age of 20, started out in the world of real estate as a Junior loan officer. He Cold Called & Door Knocked till it paid off. In only a few short months he had risen to the top, becoming the number one producer in the company.
By age of 24, he began his own journey and started investing in Real Estate. Rehabbing and developing properties as an investor. Throughout the years he has gained a vast knowledge on all aspects of real estate. Being a self-starter and rising from humble beginnings, given Steven a unique vision, on future prospects of the real estate industry. His ability to see beyond what is there, to the potential of what it could become, has always been his greatest asset.
For nearly two decades his work ethic, persistence and the drive to succeed has only grown.
As a result, now at the age of 38. Steven is well pronounced, and a prominent investor in the NYC real estate segment, with an impressive portfolio, he stands at the top of his game. He has contributed back to society by sharing expansive real estate knowledge, and practical know-how through seminars, digital content, and other communications. Most importantly, he donates his time and money towards charity and helping others. Also being a member of the Freemasons, the world’s oldest and largest fraternity.
His latest venture and perhaps the greatest is FlipPro.com, an online resource that allows any individual with an investable property to become a partner. FlipPro.com is positioned, to provide financing towards the entire acquisition and rehabilitation of the real estate asset.
Being a partner in a joint venture allows you to learn hands-on, on how to build wealth throughout the real estate process. Why use your own money? Why learn everything the hard way? Why make mistakes and risk profits?

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